Steps to Get rid of Covid-19 anxiety

COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on every person’s life. This is a time where many of us are facing challenges like financial, emotional, mental and these challenges can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions in adults as well as teenagers.

Although the government has taken public health measures including social distancing to break the chain of this virus and all these rules can make us feel isolated and lonely which can lead to stress and anxiety, yet important to follow.

So, what do we do?

Do not worry you guys, there are so many ways you can learn to cope with stress in a healthy way. Not only you, but the people you care about, and those around you become more resilient.

This blog is especially for people who are courageously fighting this virus yet worried and overthinks what would happen.

First of all, nothing is going to happen badly. You need to know that our brains are irrational.

This is your mind that makes you overthink the situation and you are not alone, this happens to every single person. Whatever is in our immediate memory or whatever we get triggered, we start believing, we start panicking, we get worried, anxious but in reality, all of these are irrational.

Remember that, millions of people have recovered from COVID, you will too…

even in my family, many of my employees, my friends were COVID positive, they all recovered, and trust me you will too…

You need to take breaks from watching, reading, or listening to news stories. It is good to be informed but constantly hearing about pandemic can be upsetting.

What to do to break this loop, to break the chain of these negative thoughts?

You don’t need to do any hustle bustle for this my friends. You just need to follow these super-simple steps:

Step 1

Start taking control of your body, change your body posture straighten your spine, relax your shoulders and look straight.

In case if you are on a bed then do the best you can by lying on the bed itself, straight your back, and look upwards.

Step 2

Stand up on the ground (if you are able to) otherwise, put your feet on the ground while sitting and feel the touch of the bottom of your feet and the ground. If you are standing up, you will feel your weight on the ground and if you are sitting you will feel some kind of temperature difference, a sensation under your feet. Let your worries, panic thoughts down through your body.
Foot on Ground

By this activity, you will feel grounded, all your negative energy will go into the mother earth.

Step 3

Touch your thumb with the index finger so lightly and feel the ridges on your index finger and put all your focus on the point where the two fingers meet.  

Index finger and thumb

By this activity your focus will shift towards your fingers, your concentration, and the stability of mind will improve.

Step 4

Take 3 deep breath, follow the procedure:

  • Breathe in through your nose and let your belly fill the air in. 
  • Breathe out through your nose. 
  • Now, place one hand on your belly and the second one on your chest. 
  • Feel your belly rise as you breathe in and as you breathe out, feel your belly lower. 
  • Take three more full, deep breaths. 

By this activity, you breathe in as you tense a muscle group and breathe out as you release it and Progressive muscle relaxation helps you relax physically and mentally.

Step 5

In this step, you will imagine the happiest moments of your life. It may be your graduation day, your wedding day, vacation with your friends or family, it can be anything. Re-live that moment, see what you see, how is the wind, transform yourself completely into that moment, and just stay there as long as you can.

Happy moments

By following these steps, you will start to feel better, the more you do it the stronger you become.

These exercises hardly take a minute. If you do not wish to do all the steps no problem, you can pick any one or two and start doing that.

All we are trying to do is to bring calmness to our upset minds. Also, in this time of social distancing, It is important to stay connected with your friends and family through phone calls and video chats. It can help you and your loved ones feel less lonely or isolated.


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